Category Parenting

Vote For Pedro

“Are they gonna dance?” “Who?” “At the election. Are they going to have a dance?” The majority of the conversations we have with C these days hearken back to her toddler years in that there is a good bit of deciphering we have to do on our grown-up end to figure out what she’s talking […]

Absences, Missing Earrings, and Coming Out Alive

Well. It’s been a hot minute. But here we are. When I first started blogging, I remember reading posts that folks had written after writing absences. These posts usually began with the blogger declaring that they were, indeed, alive. When I read these caveats I would feel a pang of guilt because in all honesty, I […]

When We Mother

Motherhood happens at 2 a.m. It’s not necessarily known for its convenience. {Let me just say that, yeah, it happens at 2 p.m. too, during moments that were planned for, but right now we’re going to talk about the 2 a.m. motherhood because that’s the motherhood where the rubber meets the road.} It’ll happen when […]

We Made It: In Praise of Four

Dear C, We’ve made it to the Promised Land. Yesterday you turned four. Four years old. Those three little words mean a whole lot, Kiddo. Not only are you not a baby anymore, but you’re also not a toddler. Your legs are steady and you amble with purpose. In fact, you’re starting soccer today with […]

An Open Letter To My Almost-Four-Year-Old on the Day She Almost Made Me Lose It 

Dear C,  I won’t mince words. You made me angry today.  I hadn’t been home for five minutes after a frustrating day at work when you started whining. You wanted candy and Daddy had already told you repeatedly that you couldn’t have it because you had already had an overly-sweetened weekend. The instant I walked […]

The Aftermath

Tantrums are not forever. Tantrums are not forever. Tantrums are not forever. This is what I repeat to myself when I’m smack dab in the eye of the storm. I’ve gotten better at resorting to this mantra over the past year, which may or may not have anything to do with the fact that she […]

5 Classic Disney Movies That Should Never Be Remade

So, there are many things I like about my life as a mom. These include having conversations with C about the glories of cheese; feeling a sense of personal accomplishment when she reaches milestones like potty training; and the fact that if I ever want to get out of anything, I can just say that […]

The Red Bandana

Things are not always hard. But sometimes they are. Sometimes, your child will dangle her newly-acquired red bandana out the open window of your moving car. At three and a half, she has just acquired the ability to reach the button that opens and closes the window. And yeah, you could lock it, but this […]

The One Simple Thing That Makes Three-Year-Olds Unhuman

I have had a long weekend. I mean, yeah, it’s Labor Day and all, so obviously I’ve had a long weekend. What I mean is that I would give my left arm for a nap right now. Since Friday, my work has been holding its biggest fundraiser of the year, a three-day music festival all over […]

Chores of the Childless

I have heard it said before that having a baby changes everything. I knew this was true when I found myself incredibly grateful to be able to sleep in until 7 a.m. on a Saturday morning. Pre-parent me would have died a little inside if someone had told her that there would come a day […]