Monthly Archives: January 2014

Don’t Be An Icehole

Well, it snowed this week in the South. I guess you’ve heard about that by now. Yesterday we chiseled our car out of the ice and attempted to leave our home like modern-day Lewises and Clarks, and for a second I forgot all I had learned from living in Chicago through five winters. Living in […]

The More Things Change, the More They (Hopefully) Get Better

Do you know what I love about writing and blogging? I mean, other than the fact that sometimes magazine companies send me random subscriptions after I tell them that it’s a violation of’s TOS for me to review products for monetary compensation? That’s pretty great because reading paper magazines makes me feel so 1999 […]

Meanwhile, Back On the Twitter…

No real post today. I’m working on a piece that may actually be published and trying to get Children’s Week on Tipsy Lit all put together. Whenever times like these come and I don’t have as much time as I usually do to write the highly important blog posts you have come to expect, I […]

Beer + Nerdy Girl = Me at Twelve

It’s time to remember the, erm, time! This week’s RTT theme is a juicy one: tell us about your adventures with the hooch. Hair of the dog. Canned heat. A brewski. Adult beverages. (Thanks, Urban Dictionary, for helping me remember all these fantastic slang terms for alcohol.) For my own offering, I am bringing out […]

Emily Reminds Us to Build Castles

Happy Tuesday! I am thrilled to be talking about the nature of inspiration over at Rara’s place today. I also talk a lot about snacks. She’s just great, and I would love for you to come on over and check it out.

And Then I Turned 32

I think the good thing about having a birthday in the middle of January is the timing. The first week of the month, everyone is running around busy making resolutions and unintentionally motivating me not to make resolutions because I see them eating a box of donuts only thirty minutes after declaring a New Years […]

Thwarting the Straps

I assembled C’s swing when I was eight months pregnant. We put it in her nursery adjacent to the changing table, but by the time she was one week old, it had been relocated to our living room along with all the items we found to be truly necessary to life with a newborn. I […]

When the Glove Doesn’t Fit

It’s high time we all started remembering again! For the first Remember the Time installment of 2014, write a post about the time you received a piece of news that impacted the entire world or just your world. Maybe you’ll want to talk about hearing the news of the Kennedy assassination or 9/11. Your post […]

toddler tantrum

Anatomy of a Tantrum

So then there was that time that my daughter went from being a remarkably-pleasant-to-be-around toddler to a rabid feral cat who dines on dynamite and plutonium, all in the course of two days. This post is about that. 2013 was a good year for us. Cee had her first birthday, discovered her likes and dislikes, […]

The Waiting, It Turns Out, Is Indeed the Hardest Part

These toddler days are long. They stretch from one bedtime to the next and are abbreviated with snot-nosed tantrums that engulf the days despite their relative brevity. But it’s important for me to constantly remind myself that these days are fleeting, a drop in the ocean of raising a person. That’s part of the reason […]