Tag Archives: nostalgia


The countdown has begun: C will be three in only about two and a half weeks. Sometimes I look through the archives of my blog to revisit all the things we’ve been through together. I remember when I saw her shimmy-shake across the screen for the very first time. I remember seeing her heel slide across my […]

Remember the Time Blog Hop at notthehardestpart.com

The First Night

“Well, this can’t possibly be a good idea.” One AM, lying next to my husband who had likely fallen asleep ten minutes before he actually hit the pillow, in a kimchi-flavored bed. The “love motel” where we had been put up for the week had mystified us from the moment the cabbie had dropped us […]

Wherein I Reveal One of Humanity’s Most-Guarded Secrets

Have you ever had one of those moments when you realize that all the events in your life have lined up just so that the world can reveal one of its hiddenmost secrets to you? I had one of those today. Please make sure you’re sitting down for the duration of this post because I […]

Remember the Time We Got into Trouble with The Law?

Hello everyone! Rob the Intern here keeping the flame alive for the monthly RTT Blog Hop.  I hope this is a fun topic for us to write about this month – here we go:

Have a Nostalgic, Sepia-Tinted Christmas

Welcome to the very first Remember the Time Christmas party, filled with fruitcakes no one is actually going to eat, pervy drunk uncles, and White Elephant gift exchanges! Join Kelly and me as we walk down memory lane and remember some fond past holidays with our beloved Rememberers. Don’t forget to pick up a crushed candy […]

Mail Call!

Welcome, Rememberers of the Time and totally not-creepy onlookers! This is the time of year when I look forward to checking my mailbox each day because there’s something fun about opening it up and seeing hand-addressed Christmas cards and packages, so this week for RTT, the mail is our theme. Have at it! Hold on! […]

That Starbucks

This is a post about the little things that we find to be big things. The older I get, the more I am amazed by the persistence of mundane, trivial aspects I remember from the chapters in my life. For instance, at my dad’s funeral, I remember my aunt giving me a small bottle of […]

Remember the Time…Wild Card Volume II

Happy Monday, nostalgiphiles! Is it OK if I call you that? Is there a preexisting word that describes partakers in the realm of throwback? Please tell me there is because my ability to coin terms is obviously not the biggest thing I have going right now. We wouldn’t want Kelly to have to take me […]

Remember the Time…we made the food?

An alternative title to this week’s Remember the Time prompt could be “Remember the Time…Emily put recipes on her blog?” Those were some good ol’ days, back when I had time to actually cook new, interesting things and then work up enough enthusiasm to write posts about them. The last time I posted a recipe […]

Remember the Time…we had picture day?

Was there anything better than getting your picture made at school when you were growing up? Ugh, let me rephrase that, as there are at least 564,865,847,979,084 things better than having your photo taken by a smarmy old man who only hates wearing matching clothing more than he hates the kids he’s snapping. Dental work […]